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The Governing Board

The Governing Board oversees the work of our school. The Governing Board, when at capacity, will have 14 members, as follows:

  • Four parent governors who are elected by the parent body and must be the parent or carer of a child attending the school at the time of their appointment. They should keep in touch with other parents but make up their own minds on how to vote on any specific issue;
  • One Staff governor elected by their colleagues;
  • One Local education authority governor appointed by East Sussex County Council;
  •  Two foundation governors appointed by the Diocese of Chichester;
  • Four co-opted governors appointed by the governing body based on their skills and experience;
  • The Headteacher is an ex officio governor which means that he is appointed as a result of the position he holds; and
  • The Vicar of St Peter and St Paul, Wadhurst parish church is also an ex officio governor.

Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Board to provide specific skills which may, from time-to-time, be needed to help the governors discharge their responsibilities.  There are currently no Associate Members of the Governing Board.  

The Governing Board has many different responsibilities, but primarily it must promote high standards of academic achievement and help ensure that the school is a safe and happy place for its pupils. It helps to do this in many different ways, including setting school budgets, ensuring the National Curriculum is taught to all pupils, setting targets for achievement, monitoring information about the quality of teaching in the school and comparing results with other schools and dealing with parental complaints and concerns and making regular monitoring visits. It also takes a long-term, strategic look at how the school should develop, and always welcomes the opinions of and representations from, parents, staff, pupils and the local community.

The governors' work is divided between meetings of the Full Governing Board (FGB), chaired by Miquela Walsh, which are attended by all governors, and the Resources, Staffing and Pay (RSP) Committee, chaired by Krystal Patrice.   All governors who are members of the RSP Committee have voting rights on the committee.  Not all governors are members of the committee.

The minutes of meetings are available on request to the clerk to governors: clerk@wadhurstpri.e-sussex.sch.uk.  

Please note that any questions about the day-to-day operation of the school, or any complaints, should first be directed to your child's class teacher, phase leader, or the headteacher.

Governors' Attendance at FGB Meetings (for the academic year 2023/2024)

    20 Sep 2023 09 Oct 2023 15 Nov 2023 05 Feb 2024 20 Mar 2024 24 Apr 2024 15 May 2024 10 Jul 2024
Katy Baker Parent governor Y Y N Y Y Y Y N
Susan Cresswell (1) Parent governor N N Y          
Ian Fitzgerald (2) Co-opted governor Y N            
David Hemsley Executive Headteacher Ex-Officio Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Joanne Musgrave Foundation governor N Y Y N N Y Y Y
Lindsay Pamphilon Local Authority Governor N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Krystal Patrice Parent governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Marie-Sophie Raskin (3) Parent governor Y N N N N N    
Paul Ratcliff Foundation Ex-Officio Y N N Y Y Y Y N
Helen Ryan (4) Co-opted governor Y N N Y Y Y Y  
Harriet Sheridan (5) Parent governor             Y Y
Toby Stewart (6) Parent governor             Y Y
Lydia Thompson Staff governor Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mark Thorn (7) Co-opted governor Y Y Y Y N      
Miquela Walsh Foundation governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Martin Webster (8) Co-opted governor         Y Y Y Y

(1)  Sue Cresswell resigned 05/02/2024

(2) Ian Fitzgerald left at the end of his term of office on 14/10/2023

(3) Marie-Sophie Raskin resigned on 26/04/2024

(4) Helen Ryan resigned on 05/07/2024

(5) Harriet Sheridan was appointed on 26/04/2024

(6) Toby Stewart was appointed on 26/04/2024

(7) Mark Thorn resigned on 20/03/2024

(8) Martin Webster was appointed on 20/03/2024


Governors' attendance at RSP Committee Meetings (for the academic year 2023/2024)

    09 Oct 2023 04 Dec 2023 05 Feb 2024 11 Mar 2024 15 Apr 2024
Katy Baker Parent governor Y Y Y Y Y
Ian Fitzgerald (1) Co-opted governor N        
David Hemsley Headteacher Y Y Y Y Y
Krystal Patrice Parent governor Y Y Y Y Y
Mark Thorn (2) Co-opted governor Y        
Miquela Walsh Foundation governor Y N Y Y Y

(1) Ian Fitzgerald left at the end of his term of office on 14/10/2023

(2) Mark Thorn stepped down from the RSP Committee on 03/12/2023

Register of declarations of interest (2023/2024)



Relationships with school staff, or other Governors/children at school

Katy Baker 


Parent to 3 children in school/pre-school 

David Hemsley 


Susan Cresswell  Personal or close family relationship

Parent to 2 children in school

Joanne Musgrave  Nil


Lindsay Pamphilon 



Krystal Patrice 


Parent to 2 children in school/pre-school 

Marie-Sophie Raskin 


Child attends school

Rev Paul Ratcliff 


Vicar of Wadhurst, Tidebrook and Stonegate

Chair of Trustees The Rose Trust is a local charity providing affordable housing for local people
Helen Ryan Personal or close family relationship Grandchildren attend the scjool
Personal or close family relationship Katy Baker (daughter) is on the Governing Body of school

Lydia Thompson

Deputy headteacher


Mark Thorn 

Personal or close family relationship

Partner is staff member

Miquela Walsh


Parent to 2 children in school

Employed Work as an Educational psychologist for Kent educational psychology
Trustee support as a trustee for this charity

Meet the Governors

Name Type Appointed by First Appointed Term Start Term End
Helen Ryan Co-opted Governor Governing Board 20-Sep-23 20-Sep-23 19-Sep-27
Martin Webster Co-opted Governor Governing Board 20-Mar-24 20-Mar-24 19-Mar-28
Vacant Co-opted Governor Governing Board tbc tbc tbc
Vacant Co-opted Governor Governing Board tbc tbc tbc
Paul Ratcliff Foundation Ex-Officio Diocese of Chichester 13-Mar-19 n/a n/a
Joanne Musgrave Foundation Governor Diocese of Chichester 04-Dec-11 10-Dec-20 09-Dec-24
Miquela Walsh Foundation Governor Diocese of Chichester 10-Dec-20 10-Dec-20 09-Dec-24
Mr David Hemsley Headteacher, Ex-Officio Governing Board 05-Sep-19 n/a n/a
Lindsay Pamphilon Local Authority Governor Governing Board (nominated by East Sussex County Council) 18-Sep-12 19-Nov-20 18-Nov-24
Katy Baker Parent Governor Parents 01-Dec-20 01-Dec-20 30-Nov-24
Krystal Patrice Parent Governor Parents 24-May-22 24-May-22 23-May-26
Harriet Sheridan Parent Governor Parents 26-Apr-24 26-Apr-24 25-Apr-28
Toby Stewart Parent Governor Parents 26-Apr-24 26-Apr-24 25-Apr-28
Lydia Thompson Staff Governor Staff 12-Feb-20 18-Apr-24 17-Apr-28

Governors who have left in the last 12 months


Declared interests

Date of appointment

Leaving date

Reason for leaving

Katy Baker

Children at the school




Helen Ryan

Grandchildren at the school

Daughter was a member of the governing board




Marie-Sophie Raskin

Children at the school




Ian Fitzgerald

Nothing declared



End of term of office

Sue Cresswell

Child at the school




Mark Thorn

Married to a member of staff




Paul Ratcliff

I’m a Londoner by birth and my first career was as a research scientist, working for 21 years firstly as a space scientist at the University of Kent and then for the Ministry of Defence developing tanks. In 2009 I left that work to became a vicar, originally serving in rural Kent. I came to Wadhurst in January 2019 as the new vicar, and that made me also Ex-Officio Foundation Governor at the school with responsibility for helping the school in the areas of RE and school ethos.

I came with some experience of school governance having served for over six years on the governing body of the Church of England primary school in my previous parish, where I was the Safeguarding Governor. I view working with schools as one of the most stimulating aspects of my role in the community and I thoroughly enjoy coming in to the school to take weekly Acts of Worship (which I usually do with my wife, Heather), and on other occasions such as helping with science week.

Toby Stewart

My wife and I moved to Wadhurst in 2021 along with our two boys who both attend Wadhurst Primary School and Nursery seeking more space and freedom in the countryside for them to grow up in. I am an owner and Director of a media company and hope to bring experience from a general business background to the Board of Governors. Having spent a number of years as a Junior Coach at Sevenoaks Hockey Club it has always been a huge pleasure to see children thrive and develop with learning and with that it is a privilege to be a very small part of guiding the future of my children and their peers at Wadhurst Primary School.

I look forward to contributing to the very bright future for the school and playing a part in ensuring children, parents and staff continue to be proud of the setting, the school community and its achievements.

Jo Musgrave

I have been a Foundation Governor since 2012 and am currently chair of the Teaching Learning Committee.

I’ve had a varied career in education working as a teacher and leader in primary schools and children’s centres, both in the UK and overseas. My particular interest is in early childhood development and literacy which has led me to work as a local authority advisor and for Ofsted. When I became a parent, I took a break from teaching but did not give up learning, studying for a Masters degree. I also help run Jellybeans, the toddler group for Wadhurst church.

I have a young son who loves being at Wadhurst Primary.

Miquela Walsh

I am a newly appointed Foundation Stage Governor which means that I attend the local Church and support the school in considering the spiritual development for our children as part of a holistic education and develop our connections with the local community.

I am a Doctor in Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology and have worked as an Educational Psychologist across the South East for nearly a decade. I am interested in the connections, relationships and systems that we are all part of and how we can support children in a whole range of ways to thrive and feel confident within their own individuality. I am very excited to be joining the Wadhurst Governing Body and hope to support the school to continue to be a valuable part of the village and provide an excellent education, in the broadest sense of the word, to our children.

I have two young children who keep me on my toes, I help with Jellybeans, the parent and toddler group run by the church, I am involved in local Friends of the Earth climate change activism and love music.

Harriet Sheridan

My family and I moved to Wadhurst in 2018 and I currently have three children at the school. 

I have a career in public policy spanning education, health and the economy. I ensure engagement and evidence inform decisions that shape the future and I advocate for policies that are sustainable and promote social and cultural wellbeing. 

I love outdoor adventures and I am passionate about encouraging environmental consciousness, resilience and active citizenship. 

Lindsay Pamphilon

I am a mother of three children all of whom have attended Wadhurst Primary school. I work as a Vice Principal in an FE College and have been involved in education for more than 20 years.

We are hugely fortunate to have a primary and secondary school in Wadhurst and I really enjoy the opportunity to play a role supporting the school

Krystal Patrice

Krystal assumed the role of a parent governor in 2022.  She currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the school's governing board and the Chair of the Resources, Staffing and Pay Committee. Originally hailing from Trinidad & Tobago, Krystal has been a resident of the Wadhurst area since 2019. Two of her three sons are currently enrolled in the school where she is actively involved.

Professionally, Krystal is a chartered accountant and works in Financial Crime at a prominent bank, specializing in areas including fraud, policy, strategy, and framework.

She is a dedicated advocate for the school's inclusive values and is committed to advancing diversity and equality within the educational system.

Martin Webster

I’m a retired primary school teacher and taught mostly in London and a few years in New York. 
I moved to the area during lockdown. 
I have 5 grandchildren so I'm very aware of juggling family and work life. 
My interests are cooking for family and friends, gardening and knitting 🧶. I run two knitting groups in the village. I also volunteer at Carillon Cottage and Hands of Hope in Hawkhurst.


There are currently vacancies for two Co-opted Governors on the board and for Associate Members.  If you would be interested in joining, please contact the Clerk to Governors (clerk@wadhurstpri.e-sussex.sch.uk).  We look forward to hearing from you!

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