Teaching & Learning at Wadhurst
At Wadhurst Primary School and Nursery, we determine learning to be a long term alteration to memory to enable students to know, do and remember more, with confidence, fluency and oracy via a broad and balanced curriculum.

Principles For Great Teaching
The following principles for great teaching provide a shared language for teaching and learning across the school. This allows us to build consistency and create a culture of reflective practice so that we continually work to raise standards and ensure the best outcomes for all children.

A Knowledge Rich Curriculum
Our curriculum is based on research and supports the needs of all our children. It is a carefully sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum which aims to inspire pupils and promote excellent outcomes for all.
The curriculum content has been carefully chosen by subject experts and is organised in a coherent way, ensuring children can build on their knowledge from year to year. In this way, the knowledge in the curriculum is cumulative, constructing firm foundations from which children can progress and develop deeper conceptual understanding and subject-specific skills over time.
Curriculum coherence ensures that teaching does not jump from topic to topic, but enables children to develop knowledge over time, as well as a love of subjects. Subject content is crucial to this approach- the rich content of the curriculum inspires children and plants the seeds for a lifetime of learning.
If you would like to know more about our schools curriculum please contact us on office@wadhurstpri.e-sussex.sch.uk or talk to your child's class teacher.