Physical Education
All pupils leaving Wadhurst Primary School will have a foundation for lifelong health and wellbeing, they will show compassion, take risks and develop the ability, confidence and desire to be physically active.
At Wadhurst Primary School, our curriculum intention is for all children to believe that they are physically capable and that they understand the benefits of being active, both physically and mentally. We aim to inspire pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities and to be the very best versions of themselves. Our intention is that children develop excellent coordination, balance and agility, which will enable them to engage confidently in a wide variety of sports and activities. We aim to ensure children are able to apply their understanding of these skills to different contexts so they can participate competently and confidently.
Children will foster an attitude that promotes respect for others and develop an understanding of the qualities needed to be part of a team as well as building character and embedding values such as fairness, discipline and tolerance.
At Wadhurst, we recognise the impact that high quality PE and the school sport curriculum can have on individuals and our aim is to create pathways for pupils to be active both in and beyond the school day. We want children to be curious about movement and physical activity and identify activities that inspire and motivate them, leading to a love of movement for life.
Why do we use the scheme we use? At Wadhurst we base our curriculum on the PE Hub scheme of work. This scheme aims to instill a sense of enjoyment in movement and allows children to develop the skills needed to participate in a variety of games and activities. PE Hub provides a spiral curriculum to ensure progression of knowledge and skills where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended year on year throughout their primary school career. The scheme is engaging, varied and is fully inclusive of all abilities.
The PE Hub scheme of work allows us to choose sports which repeat each year allowing the children to progress, reinforce and develop their skills in specific sports and activities. In lessons, our approach enables children to build on previous learning and to be as physically active as possible: maximizing opportunities for game play and performance. It also provides opportunities for children to work both individually and as part of a team in a range of sports and activities. The scheme of work enables pupils to meet the end of Key Stage Attainment targets outlined in the National curriculum. The units in PE Hub enable children to experience a variety of sports with each building on their self- confidence, resilience and determination to succeed. Each unit aims to build upon prior learning and units are sequenced to enable pupils to purposefully build on learning from previous sessions to aid the retention of key subject knowledge. Core units, such as netball, football, tag rugby and hockey are taught every year in KS2 in order to prepare children for competition. Teachers adapt the PE Hub plans at the end of every session after assessments of the learning have taken place. This ensures the lessons build on one another and children are able to develop and practise learnt skills before moving on. Teachers differentiate for the individual needs of their class by making amendments to the PE Hub planning either by task, equipment or by outcomes.
Our Principles For Great Teaching In PE

If our children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. We measure the impact of our curriculum through assessing learning against the age-related expectations for Physical Education, tracking knowledge in pre- and post-learning challenges, pupil discussions about their learning and through ongoing formative assessment opportunities in and across lessons. The impact of our Physical Education curriculum is that our pupils are equipped with the physical skills and knowledge that will enable then to be ready for the next stage of their curriculum and for life as an adult in the world outside the classroom.
We expect that when children leave Wadhurst they will able to:
- use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
- play competitive games
- apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
- develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
- perform dances using a range of movement patterns
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
- compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
And they are able to:
- Take part in team games and understand how to be a team player
- Provide and receive constructive criticism about performance
- Display confidence and pride in their performances
- Understand the importance of being physically active on their wellbeing
We will be able to evidence that children have achieved this through.......
- Beginning and end of unit assessment tasks
- During lessons, teachers will make judgements about performance and skill development
- Pupil conferencing
- Carefully designed lessons that provide opportunities for adults to continually assess for understanding both in PE and through wider curriculum offers
- Performance in tournaments and matches (physical, decision making and emotional development)
- Questioning and feedback to support small steps in learning
Beyond Wadhurst
We believe that when children leave Wadhurst CE Primary they will have a desire to be physically active. They will have the confidence and curiosity to continue to explore forms of movement and activity. Children will understand the benefits of being physically active on both on their physical and emotional wellbeing. Children will understand that if they are physically active, they will be happier, healthier and more successful in the world around them.