Visual Resources To Support Learning
Here you will find a range of resources that can be used to support your child with the learning tasks set by their teacher.
These include:
Getting ready to learn:
- Good listening cards and tokens to use as prompts and rewards for effective learning behaviours
- Task management boards to help your child manage the equipment they need for the task and to break the learning into smaller chunks
- Visual timetables to help your child know what the structure of the day will look like and prepare for any changes to your routine (Twinkle also provide visual timetables relating to the home environment)
Talking about learning:
- Descriptor cards to use to help children understand new or topic specific vocabulary
- Talk templates to guide discussions involving the skills of giving instructions, describing, explaining, suggesting and evaluating
- Question cue cards to support your child to think of ideas for writing a sentence or to help them describe an event in more detail
Writing tasks:
- Story planner to help your child plan each section of a story
- Sentence planners to help your child include all of the information they need in a sentence
- Graphic organisers such as mind maps and list templates to help your child organise their thinking and present their ideas
The resources include instructions on how they can be used.