Fee Policy
1 – 2 year olds
It is our aim to offer children and parents quality childcare in a safe, stimulating and friendly environment in which children’s personal, social and emotional development flourish.
2 – 3 year olds
It is our aim to offer children and parents quality childcare in a safe, stimulating and friendly environment in which children’s personal, social and emotional development flourish. Children of eligible parents can access up to 15 hours of government funded childcare each week in the term (Autumn, Spring or Summer) after they are 2 years old.
3 – 5 year olds
It is our aim to provide early education provision for children in the funding period following their third birthday until they reach statutory school age.
All children can access 15 hours of government funded childcare each week starting in the term (Autumn, Spring or Summer) after they are 3 years old.
Children of eligible parents can access an extra 15 hours of government funded childcare each week in the term (Autumn, Spring or Summer) after they are 3 years old.
For information on all Government childcare funding options, please visit https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
Children become eligible for funding the term after their third birthday (January – April – September). Please contact the School Office if you would like clarification on when your child will become eligible. You will be responsible for your termly invoice if you have not confirmed your eligibility for funded hours.
Fee Structure
1 – 2 year olds (12 months to 23 months)
Sessions booked in addition to the funded provision are charged at our hourly rate of £6.00. Hot meals can be purchased at an additional cost online via ParentPay – currently £2.20.
The Lower High Street Site operates a 6 term year in line with ESCC term dates and the 5 inset days at Wadhurst Primary School. We also operate a holiday club, closing only at Christmas for two weeks and the last week in August.
An invoice will be raised and issued at the beginning of the term. Payment should be made by the 3rd week of term. Fees can be paid through ParentPay or via Childcare Vouchers (please provide us with your Childcare Voucher company details). A payment plan can be set-up, if required (please speak to the school office when you are given your invoice).
Fees will still be charged if a child is off sick or on holiday during term time. There may be an exception to this if a child has a long stay (over one week) in hospital and it has been agreed with the Headteacher. Page 3 of 5
There is a £25.00 booking fee, which secures your child’s place. Your child will be given a sweat shirt and draw string bag will be given to the child in their first week. The Nursery has the discretion to keep the booking fee in the event of failure to take up the offered place.
A term’s notice or payment in lieu is required if a place is no longer required. Please contact the School Office in writing via email.
There will not be a charge for closures due to exceptional circumstances where the Nursery remains closed for a continuous period of 3 days or longer. There will not be a charge for a closure due to a School Inset Day.
2 – 3 year olds (24-35 months)
Sessions booked in addition to any funded provision are charged at our hourly rate of £5.75.
Hot meals can be purchased at an additional cost online via ParentPay – currently £2.20.
Children of eligible parents can access up to 15 hours of government funded childcare each week in the term (Autumn, Spring or Summer) after they are 2 years old.
The Lower High Street Site operates a 6 term year in line with ESCC term dates and the 5 inset days at Wadhurst Primary School. We also operate a holiday club, closing only at Christmas for two weeks and the last week in August.
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) funding periods run: September – December, January – March, April – July. This is reflected by our termly billing structure.
An invoice will be raised and issued at the beginning of the term. Payment should be made by the 3rd week of term. Fees can be paid through ParentPay or via Childcare Vouchers (please provide us with your Childcare Voucher company details). A payment plan can be set-up, if required (please speak to the school office when you are given your invoice).
Fees will still be charged if a child is off sick or on holiday during term time. There may be an exception to this if a child has a long stay (over one week) in hospital and it has been agreed with the Headteacher.
There is a £25.00 booking fee, which secures your child’s place. Following an offer made by the Nursery, a Nursery sweat shirt and draw string bag will be given to the child in their first week. The Nursery has the discretion to keep the booking fee in the event of failure to take up the offered place.
A term’s notice or payment in lieu is required if a place is no longer required. Please contact the School Office in writing.
There will not be a charge for closures due to exceptional circumstances where the Nursery remains closed for a continuous period of 3 days or longer. There will not be a charge for a closure due to a School Inset Day.
3 – 4 Year Olds (36 months to Reception age)
All children can access 15 hours of government funded childcare each week starting in the term (Autumn, Spring or Summer) after they are 3 years old. Children of eligible parents can access an extra 15 hours of government funded childcare each week in the term (Autumn, Spring or Summer) after they are 3 years old.
Sessions booked in addition (including lunchtimes charged as an hour) to the funded provision are charged at our hourly rate of £5.50.
Hot meals can be purchased at an additional cost online via ParentPay – currently £2.20).
Term dates can be found on the School’s Website.
The Wadhurst Nursery is open for 38 weeks of the year during school term times only. Fees will be charged 6 times a year in line with the 6 school terms. Autumn Term: September to December (Terms 1 and 2), Spring Term: January to Easter (Terms 3 and 4), Summer Term: after Easter holiday to July (Terms 5 and 6).
We also operate a holiday club, closing only at Christmas for two weeks and two weeks at the end of August.
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) funding periods run: September – December, January – March, April – August. This is reflected by our termly billing structure.
An invoice will be raised and issued at the beginning of the term. Payment should be made by the 3rd week of term. Fees can be paid through ParentPay or via Childcare Vouchers (please provide us with your Childcare Voucher company details). A payment plan can be set-up, if required (please speak to the school office when you are given your invoice).
Fees will still be charged if a child is off sick or on holiday during term time. There may be an exception to this if a child has a long stay (over one week) in hospital and it has been agreed with the Headteacher.
There is a £25.00 booking fee, which secures your child’s place. Following an offer made by the Nursery, a Nursery sweat shirt and draw string bag will be given to the child in their first week. The Nursery has the discretion to keep the booking fee in the event of failure to take up the offered place.
A term’s notice or payment in lieu is required if a place is no longer required. Please contact the School Office in writing.
There will not be a charge for closures due to exceptional circumstances where the Nursery remains closed for a continuous period of 3 days or longer. There will not be a charge for a closure due to a School Inset Day.
Additional Fees
There may be an additional fee for specialist provision.
Late Collections - It is our expectation that children are collected on time at the end of their sessions. However, for children who are regularly collected late we may, to cover the cost of the two members of staff staying on beyond their allocated hours, charge a fee of £12.00. This would be implemented from 15 minutes after the published end of the session and added to your next invoice. We do of course appreciate that situations beyond your control occasionally occur and, in these instances, of course we will not charge the late collection charge. Please telephone us as soon as you think you may be late.
Late Payment of Fees - If fees have not been paid by the third week of a term, then a surcharge will be added to the outstanding balance at a rate 10% of the total invoice or a minimum of £10. We reserve the right to refuse a child’ attendance beyond the 15/30 hours funded if fees have not been settled in full by the end of a term.